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Oak Park Staff

Oak Park is here to answer your questions and resolve your concerns. Contact information for all of educators can be found below.

Faculty & Staff

Savannah Alvarez

Savannah Alvarez

Second Grade Teacher
BS Elementary Education/SPED
Lexie Antonini

Lexie Antonini

Gifted Connections
M.Ed- Curriculum and Instruction
Michelle Bankoske

Michelle Bankoske

Speech-Language Pathology
MS Degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders & Certificate of Clinical Competence
Ashley Barnett

Ashley Barnett

Early Intervention
M.ED- Curriculum and Instruction
Katherine Barr

Katherine Barr

Mrs. Methven's IDEA Assistant
Regina Black

Regina Black

Ms. Cossey's First Grade Assistant
Meredith Blades

Meredith Blades

Kindergarten Teacher
BS - Elementary Education
Lori Briggs

Lori Briggs

Mrs. Delancey's First Grade Assistant
M'Leigh Budinich

M'Leigh Budinich

Miss.Horne's Assistant
Kaleigh Busby

Kaleigh Busby

Second Grade Teacher
BA- Elementary Education
Shannon Butler

Shannon Butler

Kindergarten Teacher
MA- Education Administration
Ruby Carnley

Ruby Carnley

Mrs. Foreman's Kindergarten Assistant
Leah Cartwright

Leah Cartwright

IDEA Assistant Teacher
Miranda Chaney

Miranda Chaney

Second Grade Teacher
Britney Clinton

Britney Clinton

Third Grade Teacher
BA- Elementary Education
Robin Cooley

Robin Cooley

Miss Roberts' First Grade Assistant
B.S. Elementary Education
Crystal Cooper

Crystal Cooper

Mrs. Miller's Kindergarten Assistant
Deanna Cossey

Deanna Cossey

First Grade Teacher
BS in Elementary Education
Kristin Dees

Kristin Dees

Second Grade Teacher
M. Ed Elementary Education
Jennifer Delancey

Jennifer Delancey

First Grade Teacher
Master's Elementary Ed.
Dana Drake

Dana Drake

Maya Dudte

Maya Dudte

Kindergarten Teacher
MA - Elementary Education
Sara Dunnaway, NBCT

Sara Dunnaway, NBCT

Gifted Teacher
B.S. Psychology
Brooke Dykes

Brooke Dykes

Media Center Specialist
MA - Elementary Education
Ellen Eaton, NBCT

Ellen Eaton, NBCT

Art Teacher
BA-Art History
BA-Art Education
Liz Ellis

Liz Ellis

School Bookkeeper
Tabitha Epps

Tabitha Epps

Mrs. LaFrance's Pre-K Assistant
Alexandra Espinosa

Alexandra Espinosa

Mrs. Jones' First Grade Assistant
Kerry Foreman

Kerry Foreman

Kindergarten Teacher
BS Elementary Education
Katrina Godsey

Katrina Godsey

First Grade Teacher
B.S. Elementary Education
Heather Goff

Heather Goff

Third Grade Teacher
MA - Elementary Education
Brett Good

Brett Good

IDEA Assistant
Amy Goudy

Amy Goudy

Community Based Speech Pathologist
MS in Speech-Language Pathology and Certificate of Clinical Competency
Wesley Hall

Wesley Hall

School Resource Officer
Marcy Hilderbrand

Marcy Hilderbrand

Third Grade Teacher
MA - Elementary Education
Delisha Holland

Delisha Holland

IDEA Teacher
BS- Criminal Justice
Morgan Horne

Morgan Horne

IDEA PreK Teacher
B. A Child Development minor in SPED
Emma Hoven

Emma Hoven

Ms. Mullins' First Grade Assistant
Melanie Howell

Melanie Howell

M.Ed- Curriculum and Instruction
Katie Hughes

Katie Hughes

Speech Pathologist
MA in Speech-Language Pathology and Certificate of Clinical Competence
Annissa Johnson

Annissa Johnson

Mrs.Ratcliff's Kindergarten Assistant
Sara Johnston

Sara Johnston

Community Based Speech Pathologist
M. ED in Speech-Language Pathology and Certificate of Clinical Competence
Alison Jones

Alison Jones

First Grade Teacher
MA - Elementary Education
Sara Kavanagh

Sara Kavanagh

Second Grade Teacher, BA Science in Elementary Ed
Bridgette Kuluz

Bridgette Kuluz

Title I Teacher
MA- Elementary Ed & Dyslexic Therapy
Beth LaFrance, NBCT

Beth LaFrance, NBCT

IDEA Teacher
M.ED Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Kelly Lee, R.N

Kelly Lee, R.N

School Nurse
Michelle McArdle

Michelle McArdle

Media Center Assistant
B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences
James McKay

James McKay

Amanda Methven

Amanda Methven

Resource Teacher
M.Ed- Elementary Education
Alyssa Miller

Alyssa Miller

Kindergarten Teacher
M. Ed Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Kelci Miller, NCC, NCSC, NBCT

Kelci Miller, NCC, NCSC, NBCT

Guidance Counselor
M. Ed in Counselor Education
Teresa Moore

Teresa Moore

Third Grade Teacher
BS Elementary Education K-6/Math and Reading K-12
Darby Mullins

Darby Mullins

First Grade Teacher
Richard Neal

Richard Neal

Music Teacher
MMEd-Music Education
Christen Nichols

Christen Nichols

Third Grade Teacher
M.Ed Curriculum & Instruction
Kelly Ockman

Kelly Ockman

Remediation Assistant / MTSS Clerk
Malena Packard

Malena Packard

Mrs. Godseys First Grade Assistant
Courtney Peltier, Ph. D

Courtney Peltier, Ph. D

MTSS Coordinator
Ph.D. Educational Leadership
Julia Pierson

Julia Pierson

IDEA Teacher
BS Elementary Education and Special Education
Alicia Pitalo

Alicia Pitalo

Mrs. Pierson's Assistant
Dr. Jennifer Pope

Dr. Jennifer Pope

Ed. D.
Melinda Proctor

Melinda Proctor

Computer Teacher
Shawn Pyle

Shawn Pyle

Mrs. Butler's Kindergarten Assistant
Jennifer Ratcliff

Jennifer Ratcliff

Kindergarten Teacher
BA Elememtary Education
Jone' Roberts

Jone' Roberts

First Grade Teacher
B.S. Elementary Education
Kelley Rosetti

Kelley Rosetti

Mrs. Dudte's Kindergarten Assistant
B.S. in Early Childhood
Timothy Sayers

Timothy Sayers

Physical Education Teacher
MA- Sport Coaching Education
Jolene Schlautman

Jolene Schlautman

Student Data Specialist
Jennifer Seitz

Jennifer Seitz

IDEA Teacher
M. Ed-Secondary Education
Dr. Stewart Smirthwaite

Dr. Stewart Smirthwaite

Assistant Principal
Ph. D.
Cristal Sterling

Cristal Sterling

IDEA Assistant
Ashley Tatham

Ashley Tatham

Second Grade Teacher
BS Elementary Education
Jaylen Tolbert

Jaylen Tolbert

Mrs. Blades' Kindergarten Assistant
Melissa Vick

Melissa Vick

Third Grade Teacher
BS-Elementary Education/Special Education
Candace Wyatt

Candace Wyatt

Behavior Specialist
Master of Science, CMHT
Danielle Zulli

Danielle Zulli

IDEA Teacher
M.S in Education: Elementary Reading and Literacy